The Unexpected Benefits of Raising a Dog with Kids
Raising a dog with your kids goe beyond fun; it fosters responsibility, social skills, physical activity, emotional well-being, and creativity.
Fostering Growth Through Dog Therapy
How do therapy offers a safe space for children to grow emotionally and socially through the companionship of furry friends
The Natural Bond Between Dogs and Kids
Dogs haven't earned the nickname "man's best friend" for nothing - when all other things are equal, dogs are naturally protective of children
Babies and Dogs
To make things go as smoothly as possible for everyone, it is important to take some time to prepare your dog for the arrival of your new addition. In the months before the baby comes, we - along with the experts at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - recommend you focus on two things
What AI Thinks Is The Best Dog for your Family?
We asked three of the world’s leading AI products to rank the top 3 dog breeds for families from best to worst with reasoning for each.
What Dog Breed is Best Suited for Cruising?
Anyone who has owned a pet, know they provide more than just companionship. Animals sense things that humans can’t, and that includes the mood and health of the captain and crew.